Introduction India has not only bagged one of the top ranks for devouring the highest number of internet users, but we also ace the statistics of global sexual harassment. The harassment faced by women online mirrors the image of harassment faced by them in the physical world. A survey conducted by
Mergers and Acquisitions: Banking Sector
“It is well enough that people of the Nation do not understand our BANKING & MONETARY SYSTEM. For if they did, I believe there would be a REVOLUTION before morning.” - HENRY FORD In India, the banking system has undoubtedly earned numerous outstanding achievements, in a comparatively short time, for the World’s largest
Mob Lynching: A need for Balancing the crime between mob versus Individual
The Latin maxim salus populi est suprema lex (the safety of the people is the supreme law) and salus reipublicae est suprema lex (safety of the State is the Supreme law) both are co-exist and are not only important and relevant but lie at the heart of the doctrine that
Arbitration: An Overview
Arbitration is justice blended with charity ~ Nachman of Bratslov June 8th, 2020 On day to day basis there are individuals and organizations that face legal issues and would prefer to use the court to get justice. By opting for court proceedings, both the parties lose time, money and towards the